Development Log

Anything and everything about the projects in development or other random stuff.

Jason Huck Jason Huck

Concepts for the Hellmouth

This is a foe in the game that I feel encapsulates the tone and style of the board game and illustrates the risks taken when exploring an inhospitable and dangerous land. Unfortunate explorers that get lost in the jungle fall prey to a dangerous foe. Possessed by a parasitic worm, these explorers now only exist to serve the parasite’s desire to reproduce and infect more living creatures. This very evil and intelligent worm can communicate, but the language is alien to all and ends up just being disturbing to hear.

Brenda Rodriguez is creating the art for the foes in the game (check out her chilling Tempest Witch) and she’s done an amazing job capturing the feel and essence of this foe in these three concepts. It was very difficult to choose between them and I can’t wait to see the end result.

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