Development Log

Anything and everything about the projects in development or other random stuff.

underworld, foes Jason Huck underworld, foes Jason Huck


While I’m not super keen on the name of this foe, this demonic insect creature stalk the jungle for intruders and use virulent poison to take down the largest prey. I love the depth of field on this image. This things looks like it’s right about to leap and spit acid all over your face.

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underworld, foes Jason Huck underworld, foes Jason Huck


One of the few "cutesy" foes in the game, the Carbuncle is another creature from folklore. There have been quite a few takes on this animal in fantasy literature and video games, but this one fits the mechanics of the creature in the game, as at the beginning of the 3rd round, this slippery little bugger scampers off into the bushes along with the precious gem embedded in it's forehead.

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underworld, foes Jason Huck underworld, foes Jason Huck

The Abúhukü

One of my personal favorite foes for the game, the Abúhukü, or Blood Sucker is a horrifying creature from South American folklore. This creature was clearly the inspiration for the Predator (of movie fame). Just read what this thing does to it's unfortunate victims:

Sneaking into villages under cover of darkness to attack peaceful sleepers, they cut a small hole in the back of the skull and suck out the blood and vital fluids. Even if one survives an abúhukü attack, they may still sicken and die, wracked with intense fever and painful rashes. Curiously, abühuwa do not attack infants or very young children; rather, they will often abduct them and attempt to raise them as their own.

I feel like Brenda really captured the creepiness of this creature in her illustration - it was great fun watching this one come together from the concept art to the final artwork.

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underworld, foes Jason Huck underworld, foes Jason Huck

Spore Hunter concepts

Brenda has begun working on the Spore Hunter. Love the concepts so far.

I also forgot to post the final image of the Spider Monkey.

Eek! A Spider Monkey!

Eek! A Spider Monkey!

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underworld, foes Jason Huck underworld, foes Jason Huck

Beware the Iron Devil

Holy warriors of the tusked creatures native to this land and blessed with the ability to manifest bestial features during battle. The holiest and most powerful of these warriors is rumored to be an enormous armorclad obsidian behemoth and stalks the jungle in search of intruders.

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Jason Huck Jason Huck

Concepts for the Hellmouth

This is a foe in the game that I feel encapsulates the tone and style of the board game and illustrates the risks taken when exploring an inhospitable and dangerous land. Unfortunate explorers that get lost in the jungle fall prey to a dangerous foe. Possessed by a parasitic worm, these explorers now only exist to serve the parasite’s desire to reproduce and infect more living creatures. This very evil and intelligent worm can communicate, but the language is alien to all and ends up just being disturbing to hear.

Brenda Rodriguez is creating the art for the foes in the game (check out her chilling Tempest Witch) and she’s done an amazing job capturing the feel and essence of this foe in these three concepts. It was very difficult to choose between them and I can’t wait to see the end result.

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