Fated Seas Full Release

The full release of Fated Seas is finally here and I want to clearly outline the ways one can get started playing. There are a number of options, ranged from premium to economical.


For those interested in having the most premium experience, the Hardcover book + Mega Card Bundle is the way to go.

  1. Fated Seas Sourcebook: A 259 page hardcover book in full color

  2. Fated Seas Mega Card Bundle from the Game Crafter

    • Includes a digital copy of the Fated Seas Sourcebook in PDF format

    • This bundle has over 150 cards! It includes one deck for each of the 6 Classes (Artificer, Bastion, Executioner, Metal Thief, Theurgist and Warden) in the game.

      • Each deck has 23 cards, plus some class-specialized cards, such as 3 Stance cards for the Executioner and the kraken companion card for the Theurgist.

    • Additionally, you get 14 Origin cards for the 7 different player character Origins (Argos, Carabus, Hydran, Remade, Sirin, Thanatae and Transhuman).

    • Finally, it includes 12 Starter Weapon cards and a bunch of Wound cards for combat encounters.


You could also buy the full-color, indexed PDF on DriveThruRPG and print all the cards using everything provided in the Print & Play section on this site.


If you want to save a bit of money, download the free print & play options listed here. Overlay them on some old cards, sleeve ‘em and you’re good to go!

Thanks for reading and happy gaming!


Fated Seas Quick Start Rules now available!


Fated Seas Hardcover submitted for release!